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Current Situation and Analysis of the Mold Industry

Article source:InformationResponsible editor:Shenzhen Xianghui Mould Technology Co., Ltd.! Published on:2023-09-21

In recent years, due to various reasons in the mold industry, the development of the mold industry has faced many difficulties. Enterprises also face fierce competition and order prices are declining, while employee wages and prices are rising. It is indeed difficult and not ideal.
As a mold worker who has been struggling in the mold industry for decades, I have a deep understanding of the evolution over these years. Based on location issues, it is naturally impossible to thoroughly study these issues, and it is inevitable to not see the full picture. Here, I will make some simple analysis from my personal perspective, hoping to be helpful to everyone, especially those who have just started or are about to start working in the mold industry.
Most newcomers have doubts about the situation mentioned above, is the mold industry declining? Do molds still have a future? When discussing this issue, first analyze the positioning of molds in the entire manufacturing industry, and naturally understand its prospects.
The role of molds in the manufacturing industry
Mold is the mother of industry, and the vast majority of current products are produced using molds. Only by using molds can products achieve mass production, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. There are also very few handmade versions or products that claim to be handmade without or with minimal use of molds. Modern times are already a rapidly industrialized world, and there is no way to leave molds. That is to say, molds are one of the most important cornerstones of the industrial world and cannot be eliminated. Especially in the current era of rapid industrialization in China, the mold industry is still a sunrise industry and an industry full of opportunities!
The Development Status of the Mold Industry
There are several factors that have led to the current dilemma in the mold industry. Firstly, there is the overall market environment. Since the 2008 financial crisis, the crisis has never left. In addition, the overall global pattern, such as the continued economic downturn in Europe and America, has directly affected our mold industry. Because the most profitable molds in the entire mold industry are mostly exported molds, with fewer exported molds, profits naturally decrease. If the boss can't earn money, naturally his salary won't rise. This is an external objective factor.
It is still difficult and almost impossible to change this factor in the short term. The relative profit of domestic molds may not be as good as that of export molds, and the victory lies in quantity. However, there is no way for the mold industry to take off the cloak of excessive profits. After all, except for monopolistic industries, no industry can have sustained profits, and ups and downs are normal.
The development of anything is cyclical, and the difficulties caused by it will definitely gradually disappear in the near future. Therefore, there is actually no need to worry about this factor. Moreover, the economic downturn will not only affect the mold industry, but also the manufacturing industry. The vast majority of industries will be affected.
It is arbitrary to conclude that a certain industry is no longer viable due to the overall environment, unless the industry is completely extinct or in a weak state. After all, the mold industry is a fundamental industry. Moulds are essential to industry, just as catering is essential to people's livelihoods.
Subjective factors in the mold industry:
Firstly, there are mold factories. In recent years, attracted by the explosive profits in the mold industry earlier, many practitioners in the mold industry have